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Aero gels

Aero gels have been synthesised for the first time in the 1930s. During the last years the interest in these materials has reoccurred and a lot of scientific research efforts have been dedicated to them. Aero gels based on silica are most commonly known. These are used in ratherexotic applications like detectors for Cherenkov radiation or the capture of cosmic dust in space, but also in more common ones like sound or thermal insulation. In addition to the aero gels made from Silica there is also a variety ofaerogels made from organic compounds. The later yield carbon aero gels after apyrolysis step. The main route for the production of organic aero gels is a sol-gel synthesis from resorcinol and formaldehyde and their derivatives. Noextended research in cellulose aero gels exists so far although they are an interesting class of material made from are newable resource, a fact that is gaining more and more important now a days

To download presentation u can go through this link gels.docx

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